Monday, September 27, 2010

Lookey there... I got a bite!

Tony and I took the kids fishing for the first time on Saturday. We went to a little bend in the river, completely secluded, and so beautiful. Tony even busted out his waders and fly rod.I got stuck on the bank with this mess maker. And these ones...

Notice they are all wearing their rain boots... I guess they thought they looked like waders?
Contrary to the title, we did not, in fact, get any bites. From fish, anyway.
We also had MHS Mini-Cheer on Friday night. We had a great time at the game, but I have to say it was a madhouse!! I was shocked at how many of the parents just dropped their kids off with the freshman cheerleaders at the beginning of the game and then left to go watch!! There were over a hundred girls, and there were 4 babysitters. I let them sit in the bleachers and then stood near the fence where I could see them but they couldn't really see me. True helicopter-mom style. It was a good thing, too. Lauren tried to wander off about six times to go play and no one even noticed she left. (They did have a couple of little girls get lost. They were found in the bathroom and concessions.)

Still, I think we'll do it again next year. Jossy LOVED it! Lauren tolerated it.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Lauren so has an attitude face in that last picture!